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2024 Practice Schedule

May 28 - June 13: 4pm - 6pm

June 17 - July 12: 8am - 10am

July 15 - Aug. 2: 4pm - 6pm

*Practice will be held Monday - Friday

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Price: $250.00

Benefits of the Bronze Sponsorship:

●your business ad featured in the Mill Pond at Stonehouse's weekly newsletter during the swim

Merchandise Offer
Offer item for sale
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Price: $500.00

Benefits of the Silver Sponsorship:

● your business ad featured in the Mill Pond at Stonehouse's weekly newsletter during the swim …

Merchandise Offer
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Price: $1,000.00

Benefits of the Gold Sponsorship:

● your business ad featured in the Mill Pond at Stonehouse's weekly newsletter during the…

Merchandise Offer
Offer item for sale
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